Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recap: Egerton University Google Map Maker and G+ Training

Egerton University Google Student Ambassadors(GSA) conducted a Google Map Maker and Google+ Training at the Computer Science Lab 2 on 20th Oct 2012.
The event was attended by 80+ students and staff members from different departments and faculties.

David Mabiria, leader of Egerton Linux User Group, gave a brief overview of the day's activities and introduced the EUCOSSA Chairman, Laban Ndwaru who in turn introduced the ambassadors.

Moffat Ngacha, Lead GSA for Egerton University, kick-started the event by providing an brief overview on Google and the GSA Program.

Elias Tenai, GSA for Egerton University, started with a demo on Gmail. He taught the attendees on how to create a gmail account(for those who didn't have), how to get the most out of your email, using filters and labels to manage emails, creating an email signature and much more.

Kevin Otiego, a Google Map Maker Advocate conducted the Mapmaker training. He showed attendees what mapmaker is, how to create and edit maps, mapping the different categories such as roads, buildings,a and much more. Later on, he covered fusion tables among others.

Moffat, then took on the Google+ training. He explained the different ways of using G+, both educational as well as fun ways. The students were amused with G+ sms where you can post to G+ without any data connection. He also showed them how to conduct a G+ hangout and broadcast it on air.

During Q&A session, the students were given some cool Google swag, while having some refreshments.

Meanwhile, the #gsassakenya was trending all day :-)
If you attended the event, please give us your feedback on this form
More photos about the event are here

More event photos

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